Trivia Apps
10 movie questions
Welcome to the ultimate trivia quiz that will test your knowledge on a wide range of topics! From film and television to literature and pop culture, this quiz has it all.

Do you know what model the BAFTA award statuette is based on? How about who plays Professor Julius F. Kelp in the classic 1963 comedy 'The Nutty Professor'? And can you name the departments that students are sorted into in the iconic 1980 Musical 'Fame'?

If you're a video game enthusiast, you might know which famous video game starring a female protagonist was adapted to film in 2001. And if you're a fan of horror movies, you might be able to tell us which apartment is under investigation in the chilling 2011 film 'Apartment 143'.

In the action-packed thriller 'Tokarev' (2014), what is Paul Maguire trying to find from the kidnappers? And in 'Ted 2' (2015), Mark Wahlberg achieved a first in his career - can you remember what it was?

Literature buffs will have a chance to shine with questions about the 1815 novel that inspired the 2020 film 'Emma'. And movie aficionados will have to recall the famous quote Say 'hello' to my little friend! from which crime movie?

And just for fun, can you identify which of these characters is not played by Charlie Sheen?

So grab a pen and paper, get your thinking caps on, and let's see how many of these questions you can get right! Good luck!
Question 1 of 10
Which 1815 novel was the 2020 film 'Emma' based on?
Question 2 of 10
Which famous video game starring a female protagonist was adapted to film in 2001?
Question 3 of 10
Which apartment is under investigation in the 2011 film 'Apartment 143'?
Question 4 of 10
Who plays Professor Julius F. Kelp in the 1963 comedy 'The Nutty Professor?
Question 5 of 10
What is Paul Maguire trying to find from the kidnappers in 'Tokarev' (2014)?
Question 6 of 10
Which of the following is not a department which the students are sorted into in the 1980 Musical 'Fame'?
Question 7 of 10
"Say 'hello' to my little friend!" is a famous quote from which crime movie?
Question 8 of 10
Ted 2' (2015) marked a first for Mark Wahlberg's career. What was it?
Question 9 of 10
What model is the BAFTA award statuette?
Question 10 of 10
Which of these characters is not played by Charlie Sheen?

General Trivia Quiz
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10 questions
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How many correct will you get?
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Trivia Quiz
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General Trivia IQ challenge
Is your IQ high enough for these questions?
Quiz : 10 songs from the 198
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Trivia IQ test
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